It’s very easy for us to find ourselves in a rut during our day. The great thing is that there are some very easy things we can do that will provide instant results for ourselves and for the people around us. For this week’s post, I’ve put together 3 of those things that you can do right now.
1 – Change your physiology: Stand up, walk, stretch, or make super-hero poses. Research shows that standing in an open, “super hero” pose for as little as two minutes raises testosterone and lowers cortisol (stress inducers).
2 – Be kind: Being kind has become a lost art in many ways. It is so very easy to do, and yet so few do it. Not only are you making their day just a little brighter, but they are more likely to pass that smile, that wave, or that door hold on to someone else. What we cannot forget is that we must also show kindness to ourselves. We often talk to ourselves like we are our own worst enemy and yet everyone loves to be talked to with love, care, and compassion.
3 – Change Your Work Ethic: When we discuss “work ethic,” we aren’t talking about your job necessarily, but this is where we are going to begin. Think about the terms you would use to describe someone who has a good work ethic in the workplace. Timeliness, hard worker, diligent, patient, flexible, studious, leader, and dedicated are all things we might use to describe that person. What would happen if you began to use a good “work ethic” in your family, hobbies, or relationships? You can even play harder, be more patient, more diligent, timelier, more studious. Don’t just try for that promotion at work, try for that promotion in life too.
Finding yourself in a rut can be frustrating, tiring, or both. Fortunately, we don't need to stay there. The next time you find yourself in one of those daily ruts, try one of these quick, little tricks to get instant results to get yourself back out of it.
Live with love, live with passion.