Is it possible for a single question to change your life? The questions that you ask yourself will serve as the filter that all your thinking will move through. It will serve as the platform for how you go through daily routines and it is the laser focus that guide your life plan. As you become aware of what led you to your questions, you will be able to alter your dialogue and your questions to something that will serve and empower you. You will be prepared to ask a better question.
Think about those questions you ask yourself daily. A few common questions are: “Why does this always happen to me?”, “Why does everyone else always get breaks?”, or “Why can’t I ever lose weight?”. There’s a part of our brain that is the protector and is looking for what could go wrong. When you ask a question like these, your brain will give you a response that is not empowering, and these become part of our belief system.
Here are a couple quick tricks to use when you catch yourself asking those impossible questions:
1. Replace “why can’t” to “how can” or similar wording. We move from closed to open.
2. Remove absolutes (never, always, etc.) and replace them with present time and space (start to, right now, in this instant, etc.) The truth is that things don’t “always” happen.
By following those two rules, your questions could become: “Why did that one thing happen to me right now?”, “How can I start to get a break right now?”, or “How can I begin to lose weight right now?”. Those questions are definitely more solvable than the earlier question. If a problem seems unsolvable, we won’t try to solve it. Change your question and change your life.
Live with love, live with passion.